This was an interesting piece to do. On a separate weft of
sewing thread, I strung up a bunch of beads. As I passed my
regular weft, I also passed the weft containing the beads and
dropped a bead at each pass. (27K)
The gold in this piece is actually a bundle of ten (10) strands
of a flat foil-covered polyester that is very light weight
and durable. The black is a 16/2 cotton. (30K)
This is the same black and gold as the one above. This is
a scanned photo of how it looked while it was on the loom.
This piece was woven using 10/2 cotton. I wanted to try doing
a brocade so I chose the badge of the SCA's Middle
Kingdom. The green design is a dragon (in case you can't
tell <g>). (35K)
This is one of two pictures of this Celtic Knotwork design.
The colors are better in this picture. This was woven using
8/2 cotton. (29K)
This second picture of the Celtic Knotwork design (scanned
from a photo) shows both the front and the back of the design.
I just had to put this one in here. This was the very first
inkle I ever wove. Some day, I want to make it into a strap
for a bag that my loom will fit into. It took me a day to do
this first one. (38K)
This is one of two laurel leaf designs I have on this page.
This one was done using heavy tow linen. (34K)
This scanned photo of the laurel leaf design was the first
time I did it. This one was done using 22/2 cotton. (35K)
Here is a scanned photo of a design done with 20/2 cotton.
The diamond shapes are known, in heraldic terms, as "lozengy".
This particular inkle is done with single ply (size 10) silk.
The purple part of the design was dyed by me using logwood.
This is one of my favorite patterns to weave because is goes
so fast for me and looks good. I like to do this one for gifts.
This is done in 8/2 cotton. (28K)
This one isn't inkle weaving. This is a tablet woven design
but I thought I'd put it in here too. (34K)